
University News

The 2018 Teaching Excellence Award

Published: February 16, 2018 | Categories: All News
2018 Teaching Excellence Award logo

The 2018 Teaching Excellence Committee invites you to nominate a member of the full-time faculty in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, or Engineering who best exemplifies excellence in teaching and campus leadership.

Each year, Western New England University recognizes the highest quality teaching by bestowing the Teaching Excellence Award upon exceptional faculty who best demonstrate excellence in teaching and campus leadership. 

The 2018 Teaching Excellence Committee invites you to nominate a member of the full-time faculty in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, or Engineering who best exemplifies excellence in teaching and campus leadership. The nominee must have made a distinct difference in the teaching climate of the University in one or more of the following:

  • Model teaching
  • Pioneering teaching methods
  • Campus leadership
  • Creative course development or instructional support

Please provide the committee with a written statement supporting your nomination for a full-time faculty who has not yet won this award. The online nomination form can be found at wne.edu/teachingexcellence where you will find a list of eligible faculty. Submit your nomination to Jackie Scalzo by February 21.

The 2018 Teaching Excellence Award will be presented to this year’s recipient at the Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 19.